Welcome to Macedonia on Demand DNS Proxy.
It will allow you to access Macedonian web pages as if you were located in Macedonia.
Works on all devices, it is easy to setup and there is no need to install additional software on your devices.
This service is a so called dns proxy it means there is no need to install additional software on your device, just change your default dns server. Here you can find an instruction how to set-up the proxy on most popular devices.
More InfoWe offer 1 day of trial period where you can check whether this service meets your requirements, and if you like it then you can subscribe to it for 5.99 € per month. Subscribtion works through PayPal, and you can always cancel it through your PayPal page.
We don't analyze neither we store your browsing data, but be aware that this is not a VPN, i.e. this service does not provide you additional encryption and your traffic data is not hidden from law enforcement agencies, internet service provide etc. Your data have same level of exposure as if you are browsing from home. Only small part of your data is routed through our servers, rest of your traffic does not even come to our server.